The Mountain Katts in training!
April is quickly approaching! So we thought it was an opportune time to give you an update as to our progress.

April is quickly approaching! So we thought it was an opportune time to give you an update as to our progress.
The photographs throughout this entry are from last Friday morning's running/conditioning training with Jake. Watch out for new photos in the coming days!
It has been a tough week of training where Jared and Jake seem to have upped the rhythm of training. In fact, all three sessions that we had pushed us to the edge… “Strength and Endurance” seems to have been the theme. Despite being tough it been an exhilarating challenge. Alongside our training we have also been out pounding the pavement-a long run (approx 22km) and two shorter runs a week. We've never had so many great excuses to carbo-load in our lives.
We have as of today raised just over $500 (as you can see from the thermometer). Thanks to all those who have already given. Your support is greatly appreciated!
For those who have not given already, please give sooner rather than later. It is for a very important cause (see posting: “Team Name and Accepting Donations Now” from 19 January 2010 for more details). The school children of Gegerung will benefit greatly from this support, which will provide them with the basics for their education!
TO DONATE: Click on the “Donate” icon on the side of the blog.
ALSO – some people have asked for a flyer so they can leave it in their office tearooms, etc. This is a great idea so we will be preparing an A4 flyer for people in the coming week or two.
Film Night
Sunday March 14… @ about 6.30-7pm. Lock in the date.
We will be having a fundraising screening of Johnny Depp’s new movie, Alice in Wonderland in 3D. The function will be held at the Classic Elsternwick. Ticket information and further information will be posted in the coming week.
Support Crew
Initially we were not going to have one… But we have since come to our senses and realised that to get through 84km, the Mountain Katts are going to need the TLC only a support crew can provide. So we have enlisted the help of Dora and Michelle to help and encourage us before, during and after our 84km run. JK's Mum Dora, being the legendary cook that she is, seemed the perfect choice. Michelle, a qualified family therapist may also have to draw on her professional skill set in case of any spats along the way (hee hee!). Their assistance will be fantastic! Anyone else who is keen to help (any masseurs out there?) or just cheer just let us know!
NEW! This is a new opportunity we are offering to businesses. Undertaking this adventure is not cheap – we have needed to purchase many things, such socks that avoid blisters or bladders for our backpacks so we can keep hydrated or accommodation before and after the run. Therefore, we are seeking businesses to support this adventure through sponsorship. The terms and type of sponsorship will be discussed with each business. Your logo/business info will be prominently displayed on this blog and during the run!
Contact JK for further information (0409 446 112).
Followers / Comments
To become more actively involved and part of “Team Mountain Katt’s” become a follower. This will keep you updated to new postings. It is worth doing this as we have postings 2-3 times a week. Otherwise we only tend to email to notify you of updates from time to time.
Also, please do not hesitate to tell us what you think of our adventure or about a particular posting in the comments section that is below each blog entry. We really appreciate knowing your thoughts.
Keep enjoying the ride...
Cheers, M+J
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